Cancer Council WA welcomes the announcement today from Hon. Roger Cook, Deputy Premier; Minister for Health; Medical Research; State Development, Jobs and Trade; Science that we have been awarded the grant to continue our public health activities over the next three years.
We welcome the WA Government's ongoing commitment to preventing harm from alcohol and increasing healthy eating. Increasing healthy eating and preventing harm from alcohol are two of Healthway's five priority areas as outlined in their Strategic Plan Active Healthy People 2018-23.
These are two areas where we know what can make a difference, but we have work to do.
Cancer Council WA is excited to be able to continue our partnership with the Telethon Kids institute on our policy related research into healthy eating. Together, as highly trusted WA organisations, we are a formidable team, and have a track record in delivering high quality and high impact policy and research related work. We look forward to working in partnership with Telethon Kids Institute to influence the junk food environment our kids are exposed to throughout the course of their day.
Cancer Council WA is a trusted voice when it comes to the community's health. Cancer Council WA has a long history of delivering programs that benefit the health of the WA community.
The funding will help Cancer Council WA conduct policy and research related work to achieve significant and positive health outcomes relating to alcohol related harm in our community.
The new funding will support Cancer Council WA to continue and expand our activities to:
- Undertake research to ensure evidence is available to inform policy discussions;
- Connect policymakers with the information they need to develop effective public health policies;
- Build community awareness of opportunities for promoting healthy lifestyles; and
- Collaborate with a broad range of organisations that share a vision for a healthy community.
Melissa Ledger
Cancer Prevention and Research Director
Cancer Council WA