The new national cancer challenge launches on World Cancer Day February 4, 2020. All citizens can participate by proposing how prevention, treatment, and life with and after cancer could be improved.
The European Union has selected cancer as one of five mission areas. This new approach in EU aims to accomplish concrete measurable improvements through research and innovation actions. The investments are in the range of billions in the Horizon Europe 2021-27 framework program. Finland leads the way in Europe in engaging the public in planning the cancer mission through - a Cancer Challenge that launches 9 am on Tuesday, February 4 as a World Cancer Day event in Eurooppasali in Helsinki. Shortlisted proposals are pitched to a panel of patients and experts and best ideas awarded at the final Monday March 16, and utilized in planning Mission Cancer.
"European research funding is used to solve global challenges. Cancer research is an important theme for Finland since our cancer research is at the very top in a global comparison", notesMinister of Family Affairs and Social Services Krista Kiuru.
Uncovering Europe's Cancer Plan
Cancer is the second most common cause of death after cardiovascular disease. Without new ideas and actions even half of newborns today will get cancer during their lifetime. In addition to the #MissionCancer EU is initiating the formation of Europe's Cancer Plan, which the health commissioner Stella Kyriakides will announce later on World Cancer Day at the European Parliament.
The National Cancer Centre FICAN initiating
An important concrete step for Finland is the initiation of the National Cancer Centre FICAN. FICAN aims to harmonize treatment practices, promote equal treatment nationally, and ensures the conditions for cancer research necessary for high quality prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. FICAN is formed from regional centers in conjunction with university hospitals and a coordination center at Helsinki University Hospital HUS. kick-off
Tuesday, February 4 from 9 am to 11 am
Eurooppasali, Malminkatu 16, Helsinki
Open event, coffee is served