Cannabis Seized During Operation

Police have arrested a man and a woman for drug offences following numerous searches across the metropolitan area today.

On Thursday 13 March, Eastern District Detectives searched residential properties in Salisbury, Hectorville, Wynn Vale, Campbelltown and Torrensville resulting in the seizure of 140 mature cannabis plants, 10 kilograms of dried cannabis, numerous items of hydroponic equipment and $30,000 cash.

A 40-year-old man and a 34-year-old woman, both from Wynn Vale were arrested and charged with cultivating a commercial quantity of a controlled plant, trafficking a commercial amount of cannabis, possessing prescribed equipment, diverting electricity and money laundering. The man did not apply for bail and will appear in Adelaide Magistrates Court on Friday 14 March. The woman was granted police bail to appear in Adelaide Magistrates Court on 1 May.


bags cannabis




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