CanNor Invests $1.4M in Ten Projects Across Three Territories

Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Today, the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, PrairiesCan and CanNor, announced a federal investment of more than $1.4 million, delivered by CanNor, to support ten projects that will help Indigenous businesses and organizations across the territories expand their infrastructure and services.

CanNor is investing up to $86,400 in a two-year $172,814 project for the Astro Hill Theatre and Conference Centre in Iqaluit to upgrade its equipment and renovate one of its theatres. It will purchase a portable stage, and upgrade its electronics, sound, lighting, concession, flooring and seating. Project funding is also provided by Nunavut Entertainment Inc. and the Government of Nunavut.

Nunavut Moving - Digital Adoption and E-Commerce (Nunavut)

CanNor is investing up to $20,000 in a one-year $40,000 project for Nunavut Moving in Iqaluit to purchase hardware and software to update its systems and bring its services online. This will allow Nunavut Moving to increase efficiency and streamline operations. Project funding is also provided by with the Canadian Digital Adoption Program.

Umingmak Productions Inc. - Cinematography Sector Development (Nunavut)

CanNor is investing up to $50,000 in a two-year $135,000 project for Umingmak Productions Inc. in Kugluktuk to purchase a high-end 4K cinema lens, a cinematography drone, and a large data storage system. Umingmak Production Inc. offers video and photography services to document the Arctic environment and its people. Project funding is also provided by the Government of Nunavut.

NCC Development Incorporated - Personal Protective Equipment for Trades Training (Nunavut)

CanNor is investing up to $99,999 in a one-year project for NCC Development Inc. in Iqaluit to purchase personal protective equipment and materials for trades training. This equipment will enable Inuit participants to safely access trades training that will be the foundation to becoming building technicians and apprentices.

Keepers of the Circle - Strengthening Capacity Among Indigenous Women to Build Resilient Local Economies (Northwest Territories)

CanNor is investing up to $499,996 in a two-year $1.7 million project for Keepers of the Circle, in partnership with the Tahiuqtiit Women's Society in Ulukhaktok, to develop and launch a pre-employment training and entrepreneurship program. This program will support the personal and professional development of Inuit, First Nations and Métis women outside of Yellowknife and will invite five communities: Lutselk'e, Inuvik, Hay River, Fort Simpson, and Ulukhaktok to participate. Funding for this project will also be provided by Employment and Social Development Canada.

The Naha Dehe Development Corporation - Bed and Breakfast Expansion Project (Northwest Territories)

CanNor is investing up to $450,000 toward a two-year $562,620 project by the Naha Dehe Development Corporation, the economic development arm of the Nahanni Butte Dene Band, to improve its tourism operations by adding three new rooms to its bed and breakfast and hiring a cook. This project will mean that the community will be able to host more tourists, and this will positively impact other local businesses, such as the general store, local artists and the river taxi. Funding for this project will also be provided by the Naha Dehe Development Corporation and the Nahanni Butte Dene Band.

Carcross/Tagish First Nation - Porcupine Creek Farm Upgrades (Yukon)

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