Capacity Investment Boosts 4 New WA Projects

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

Four new projects in Western Australia have been successful under the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS).

The CIS encourages new investment in clean dispatchable capacity - like battery storage and generation such as solar and wind.

The successful clean dispatchable capacity projects will be able to deliver 654 megawatt hours (MWh) of energy, more than the tender size of 500 MWh. This is enough to supply the peak electricity load for over 600,000 homes in WA for four hours.

Projects are scheduled to be operational by October 2027 and align with WA's unique Reserve Capacity Mechanism.

The successful projects are:

  • Boddington Giga Battery (324 MW) operated by PGS Energy, 120km south-east of Perth
  • Merredin Big Battery (100 MW) operated by Atmos Renewables, 230km east of Perth
  • Muchea Big Battery (150 MW) operated by Neoen, 43km north-east of Perth
  • Waroona Renewable Energy Project -Stage 1 (80 MW) operated by Frontier Energy, 120km south of Perth.

The projects will provide important back up to Western Australia's south-west grid including Perth, ensuring reliability particularly at times of peak demand.

This is the first CIS tender in WA, and follows successful tenders in the eastern states, including:

  • two pilot dispatchable capacity tenders
  • one renewable generation tender.

The successful projects in this tender have committed a total investment of $145 million in shared benefits to local project communities and $41.5 million in initiatives for local First Nations groups.

The next WA tender is scheduled for mid-2025.

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