Capture Flag

The Connecticut Advanced Computing Center (CACC) will host the annual CyberSEED event online on March 8

A group of participants in a cybersecurity competition, CyberSEED, working on laptops in a conference hall. Several individuals, some in U.S. Coast Guard uniforms, are focused on their screens, collaborating in teams. The background features a large CyberSEED banner, a podium, and other competitors engaged in the event. The room is filled with tables, chairs, and attendees, creating an atmosphere of intense problem-solving and teamwork.

The University of Connecticut's College of Engineering Connecticut Advanced Computing Center hosts a national cyber security competition, CyberSEED. Since 2014, this competition has allowed cyber security teams from all around the country to compete in "Capture the Flag" cybersecurity challenges.

Welcoming teams from dozens of colleges and universities, CyberSEED'25 will feature a capture the flag event designed specifically for students. The Connecticut Advanced Computing Center (CACC) is hosting the annual CyberSEED event on March 8. The event will take place online.

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