Cardiff University Ranks Among World's Best

Cardiff University

Cardiff University has been recognised as one of the world's top universities with 36 of its subjects ranked in the top 200 globally in an influential league table.

The QS World University Rankings by Subject provides independent comparative analysis on the performance of more than 18,300 individual university programmes around the world, across 55 academic disciplines.

Of Cardiff's 36 subjects making the top 200, seven rank in the top 100 in the world:

  • Dentistry
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Sociology
  • English Language and Literature
  • Architecture / Built Environment
  • Geography
  • Marketing

Two of those – Dentistry, and Communication and Media Studies – are ranked in the top 50 in the world.

QS uses five key metrics to compile the subject rankings. Reputation indicators are based on the responses of more than 240,000 employers and academics to QS surveys while Citations per Paper and H-Index measure research impact and productivity. International Research Network (IRN) is used to assess cross-border research collaboration.

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Wendy Larner, said: "It's great to see a range of the University's subject areas recognised and I'd like to thank all involved in developing and delivering these courses."

We know our research delivers impact and our community is full of talented, dedicated individuals. These results endorse that and recognise our commitment to world-class education and research.

Professor Wendy Larner Vice-Chancellor
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