Carinitys Morgan Maddison Celebrates Womens Day

Maddison Morgan manages Carinity's five retirement villages, where seniors can thrive while living in safe and secure communities. Ahead of International Women's Day we found out why Maddison is motivated to make a difference in people's lives.

Carinity Villages Manager Maddison Morgan enjoys a celebratory afternoon tea with Jean, Glynn and Daphne from Wishart Gardens.
Carinity Retirement Villages Manager, Maddison Morgan, enjoys afternoon tea with a Carinity Wishart Gardens resident.

What does International Women's Day mean to you?

International Women's Day is a powerful reminder of the resilience, strength, and contributions of women in all aspects of life. It's a day to celebrate progress while recognising the large amount of ongoing work needed, to create a more equitable world. For me, it's also about honouring the women who have paved the way and inspiring future generations to step forward with confidence and courage.

Can you share an example of an initiative you have led that has created significant change within your community or workplace?

One initiative I am particularly proud of is the development of additional units at Carinity Elim Estate. This project will see much needed retirement village units come on the market in the Ipswich area. It will provide a fulfilling retirement for seniors in the area in line with Carinity's values of creating communities where people feel safe, supported, and connected.

How do you advocate for residents and staff in your role at Carinity?

Advocacy is at the heart of my role. Whether it's ensuring that residents are receiving great services that enable them to continue to live independently, or assisting my team in their professional growth, I strive to create an environment where everyone feels heard and valued. This involves open communication, listening to concerns, and actively seeking solutions that enhance both the well-being of residents and the job satisfaction of our dedicated team.

What innovative ideas or projects have you introduced that have inspired others or driven progress in your field?

I continuously look for ways to improve processes and enhance the experience for both residents and staff. Whether it's implementing new strategies for efficiency, fostering a culture of continuous learning, or encouraging collaborative problem-solving, my goal is to drive positive change. I believe that innovation isn't always about big, sweeping changes. It's often about small, meaningful improvements that create lasting impact, with a particular focus on how I make my team and our residents feel.

What motivates you to continue driving change and making a positive impact in your work and personal life?

The ability to make a difference in people's lives is my greatest motivation. Seeing how my work positively affects individuals, whether through improving our product and offering, or fostering a stronger sense of community, fuels my passion to keep going. I also find inspiration in the people around me, our staff and residents, who remind me daily of the importance of compassion, leadership, and progress.

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