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Live science news updates on scientific research, studies, insights, space, astronomy, global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution, cancer, biology, DNA, black holes, NASA, gravity, long life and well-being studies, breakthroughs and discoveries from around the world in real time.
Interventions Show Positive Effects on Elderly Loneliness
Noninvasive Tool Measures Vocal Fold Elasticity
US Public Employment Services Fail to Reach 99% of Autistic Adults
Webb Unveils Colors of Earendel, Furthest Star Ever Found
Molnupiravir Blocks COVID-19 Transmission in Ferrets, Study Shows
Climate Change Threatens World's Oldest, Fastest-Evolving Moss
Learning-Driven Ebb and Flow Brain Mechanism Uncovered
Licensed Drugs May Treat Poxviruses Including Smallpox
Phage PASA16 Virus Cures 86.6% of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
UK's AI Powerhouse Plans Spearheaded by Southampton U
Existing Licensed Drugs May Treat Poxviruses, Including Smallpox
Mouse-Humanized Liver Unveils Chronic Disease Origins
U of Toronto, UNICEF Join Forces for Learning Innovation
Mice with Humanized Liver Unveil Chronic Disease Origins
Long-Term Regret, Satisfaction Post Gender-Affirming Mastectomy
Exercise Reduces Depression, Burnout, Absenteeism in Healthcare Workers
Research Validates Land-Sea Ties as Key to Coral Reef Health
Exercise Apps Enhance Mental Health of Healthcare Workers
Exercise Apps Boost Mental Health for Healthcare Workers
Climate Change Threatens World's Oldest Surviving Plant
Carpets Cling to Tobacco Smoke Pollutants, Study Finds
Horn of Africa Hit Drought Tipping Point 11,700 Years Ago?
New Probiotic Engineered to Battle Multiple Sclerosis
Neurons Create Space for Growth in Developing Organs
Climate Change Threatens Oldest Surviving Plant
Alcohol Intake Unlikely to Heighten Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk
Machine-Learning Method Advances Personalized Cancer Therapy
Research Could Enhance Therapy for Select Lung Cancer Patients
Brain Scan Reveals Potential Biological Roots of Visual Snow Syndrome
Awards & Accolades 10 August
Technology advance could expand reach of 3D nanoprinting
HKU, Princeton Unveil Injectable Hydrogel Drug Delivery Breakthrough
LSU Health Proposes Novel Treatment for Resistant Breast Cancer
Official: Seafood Tastes Better When Eaten by Sea
Enhancing Security Through Randomized Data
Unprecedented Detail in Measuring Global Drought Extent
Monetary Incentives Bolster Lasting Environmental Protection
New Immune System Shows Improved Response to Child Cancer Therapy
Ultra-Fast Amplitude-Only Spatial Light Modulation Route Unveiled
Dana-Farber Lawyers Assume Leadership at American Bar Association
Lake Sediment Reveals Climate and Human Activity History in Eastern China
Protein Protectors Key to Fertility, Study Finds
King's College Law School Launches Social Justice Research Summer Residence
Advance in Tubular Tissue May Enable Lab-Grown Blood Vessels
University Challenges Education Rip-Off Narratives
Tracing Lithium Movement in Solid-State Batteries via Isotopes
GIST Develops Efficient Perovskite Photoelectrodes for Water Splitting
Land-Use Tactics, Nutrient Conditions Spark Oak Decline