Comments attributable to Jason Kara, Catholic Health Australia CEO: Catholic Health Australia welcomes the federal government's $1.7bn funding of public hospitals. The single-year funding deal will create the space for Government to properly negotiate the next 5-year national health reform agreement. This is new investment in our national health system and the funding will directly support people in need across the entire health system. We congratulate the Government on this step. In the years ahead, it's important that the Commonwealth, States and Territories, and other key health stakeholders get that national agreement right. As a first principle, we must be cognisant of shifting clinical practices and consumer behaviour. This includes the shift to more care being delivered outside of hospitals. Government must also recognise the critical role of the not-for-profit sector in taking pressure off the public hospital system. CHA recognises the bipartisan support for this critical additional funding and will have more to say about our funding and policy priorities leading into the federal election campaign.
Catholic Health Cheers $1.7B Boost for Public Hospitals
Catholic Health Australia
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