CBSA Halts Pacific Crest Trail Permit Issuance

Canada Border Services Agency

Ottawa, Ontario

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) operates in an evolving environment and continuously evaluates its programs and operations to support a safe and secure border.

The CBSA announced today it is discontinuing the issuance of permits to enter Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail without presenting yourself to a port of entry. This change will facilitate monitoring of compliance of trail users, enhance security at the border, and aligns with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) who does not allow travellers to enter the U.S. from Canada on the trail.

The Pacific Crest Trail is a hiking and equestrian trail that runs across the border between British Columbia and Washington State. While the entire trail is approximately 4,265 kilometers from Mexico to Canada, there is a 13 kilometers extension into Canada that some hikers include in their expedition.

Hikers from the U.S. without a permit who wish to complete the Canadian portion of the trail will from now on be required to first enter Canada via a designated port of entry. The closest ports of entry are: Osoyoos and Abbotsford.

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