CBSA Pacific Probe Seizes Firearm, Banned Devices, Drugs in Sicamous

Canada Border Services Agency

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is committed to protecting Canadians by intercepting and investigating smuggling attempts at our borders.

The CBSA's Pacific Region Criminal Investigations Section launched an investigation after three firearm suppressors were intercepted by border services officers at Vancouver International Airport Air Cargo Operations in April 2024. On June 4, 2024, CBSA criminal investigators, with assistance from the Sicamous RCMP, executed search warrants on the suspect's vehicle and the boat they were residing in. A number of items were seized, including:

  • a firearm with a defaced serial number;
  • an over-capacity magazine;
  • a firearm suppressor; and
  • approximately 800g of suspected methamphetamine.

The suspect was arrested and the investigation is ongoing.

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