CCTV Networks In Yarra Ranges

Yarra Ranges Shire Council

Yarra Ranges Civic Centre Lilydale

Under the former Federal Government, CCTV cameras were provided to numerous townships in the Yarra Ranges as an election promise. Under the arrangement at the time, township groups were to be responsible for maintaining these cameras, and Victoria Police would have access to footage for investigative purposes.

Unfortunately, the reality is that maintaining many CCTV cameras is extremely expensive, more than township groups – comprised of volunteers, locals and business owners - should be expected to shoulder. We understand that the impact of this is that cameras fall into disrepair, and no longer serve their purpose as a crime deterrent or investigation tool for police.

It is unfortunate that the Federal Government of the time did not allocate ongoing funding to maintain or replace cameras as needed.

Council does not manage public CCTV cameras, and does not have the resources to do so.

In a financially constrained environment and during a cost of living crisis, the high cost of maintaining and replacing public CCTV cameras would mean either a reduction of services elsewhere, or ratepayers would find the increased cost reflected in their rates.

We see either option as unacceptable.

We are hopeful that the Federal Government may find funding streams available to maintain and improve these cameras, to remove this cost burden from township groups, or find an arrangement with Victoria Police to allocate funding for these pieces of policing infrastructure.

Yarra Ranges CEO, Tammi Rose

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