Celebrating 20 Years Of Festival Of Voices

Tasmanian Government

A Tasmanian winter festival favourite is returning in 2025 to mark its 20th year celebrating the power of singing.

The beloved Festival of Voices brings together music and singing enthusiasts from across the state, the nation, and the world, showcasing a musical blend of entertainment and education.

Minister for Sports and Events, Nick Duigan, said this year's event will be a vibrant celebration of community, creativity, and collaboration.

"The Tasmanian Government has been a proud supporter of this popular festival from its inception, and we have supported the event since 2023 with a total of $2.25 million," Minister Duigan said.

"A full program of local and interstate acts, workshops, and interactive events is in store at this year's festival, promising to attract music lovers from near and far. It's fantastic to hear that some events have already sold out."

Minister Duigan said this year's event highlighted the strength and popularity of one of Tasmania's premier winter events.

"A key part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is to boost events that drive the visitor economy, which is exactly what Festival of Voices does," Minister Duigan said.

"Festival of Voices has a strong track record in bringing the community together through the power of singing.

"I encourage all Tasmanians to check out this year's program and participate in some of the many free or ticketed events on offer before they sell out."

The Festival of Voices runs from 27 June until 6 July, with the iconic Big Sing Bonfire taking place on the opening night.

To view this year's Festival of Voices program and purchase tickets, visit here.

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