Celebrating 50 Years Of Burnie Library

Tasmanian Government

The Burnie Library has served the local community for 50 years, with a celebration to be held at the library tomorrow.

Minister for Education, Jo Palmer, congratulated the Burnie Library staff on the milestone and its well-established reputation as a modern library service with strong community connections.

"The library continues to evolve to deliver services for people of a diverse range of ages and backgrounds," Minister Palmer said.

"Since January 2020, Burnie Library has seen over 300,000 items borrowed and over 1,700 programs provided.

"This shows that the community values the services the library provides.

"The 50th birthday celebration is an acknowledgement of the contributions from many staff, volunteers, members and the local community that has made the library what it is today.

"I congratulate everyone involved in the journey so far and look forward to many more years ahead.

"Libraries are a vital part of communities across Tasmania and we recently extended opening hours, including at the Burnie Library, to make them more accessible.

"An important part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is about developing stronger communities and enhancing our regions."

Burnie Library will hold its 50th birthday celebration tomorrow from 9.30am, featuring a variety of activities.

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