The one-way traffic trial on Centennial Circuit in the Byron Bay Arts and Industry Estate has been postponed.
The trial was due to start at the end of February and last for six months.
Council staff are working on the logistics of waste collection during the trial and this is taking longer than anticipated.
Rob van Iersel, Council's Place Activation Coordinator, said what looks like a simple problem to resolve is actually very tricky.
"The one-way traffic system makes waste collection on one side of the street impossible for trucks we currently use," Mr van Iersel said.
"We looked at asking people to take their bins to the other side of the street the night before collection but unfortunately there is not the space to accommodate all the wheelie bins in this area.
"To close the street to traffic to allow for the truck to go against traffic flow is also problematic," he said.
"This issue is indicative of the difficult traffic situation on Centennial Circuit which is a key reason for the one-way trial," Mr van Iersel said.
The concept of a one-way traffic trial came out of the development of the Byron Arts and Industry Estate Precinct Plan in 2019 when residents, business owners and people who work in the estate highlighted a need for better traffic management.
The increasing number of cars and trucks on Centennial Circuit mean it is very congested and Council is hoping the one-way trial, when it is implemented, may ease some problems.
"We have received very positive feedback from people who are supportive of the trial and we are working on a solution to the waste collection issue with the aim of implementing the trial as soon as we can," Mr van Iersel said.