Central Agency Leadership Shift Ensures Long-term Stability

By mutual agreement Department of the Premier and Cabinet Director General Emily Roper PSM will finish in her role on Friday, 21 March to enable long-term leadership stability in this key agency over the Government's four-year term.

  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet Director General Emily Roper to finish on Friday, 21 March
  • Ms Roper intended to finish at the end of her current contract in December 2026
  • Stability in central agency leadership essential to deliver the Government's agenda
  • Ms Roper's contract ending earlier by mutual agreement to allow a new, long-term appointment

Department of the Premier and Cabinet Director General Emily Roper is finishing in the position to enable long-term stability in the leadership of this key agency for the duration of the Government's new term.

In discussions before the State Election, Ms Roper advised the Public Sector Commissioner of her intention to not seek reappointment at the end of her current contract in December 2026.

To avoid the disruption of leadership change in the middle of the Government's four-year term, it was agreed for Ms Roper to finish before the end of her contract.

Over seven years at the Department of the Premier and Cabinet as Director General and Deputy Director General, the well-respected leader made a significant contribution through her strategic leadership across diverse portfolios and initiatives ranging from strengthening Commonwealth-State relations to leading family and domestic violence prevention and response.

In 2023 she was awarded the Public Service Medal for her tireless dedication and outstanding leadership of Western Australia's management and response to COVID-19.

The Public Sector Commission will undertake a process to appoint a new Director General, with experienced CEO Richard Sellers acting in the role after Ms Roper finishes.

As stated by Premier Roger Cook:

"I personally thank Ms Roper for her important work over the past seven years at the Department.

"Ms Roper's dedication and leadership during the COVID pandemic in particular helped ensure the Western Australian Government delivered some of the best outcomes anywhere in the world.

"Ms Roper's commitment to serve the WA community has been front and centre across a range of critical and complex issues and I and my Cabinet colleagues thank her for her immense contribution to our State.

"With the mandate of Western Australians clear for our Government, we have a lot to achieve over the next four years and long-term stability in key roles such as this one is key.

"I wish Ms Roper all the best for the next stage of her career."

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