Central West Locals Urged to Influence $40M Housing Plan

The Program aims to build stronger, safer communities with measures that help households most at risk from future floods by increasing the resilience of their home or removing themselves from harm's way.

Following the NSW school holidays, from Tuesday 23 July, the NSW Reconstruction Authority will hold 12 information sessions across three weeks in Cabonne, Forbes, Lachlan and Parkes Local Government Areas to gather feedback on participation requirements, proposed Program measures and their suitability.

At each session, residents can view flood risk information, talk directly with flood experts about how the prioritisation maps were developed and share their feedback on the proposed approach for the Program.

Proposed measures include grants for a range of resilience measures, such as raising and retrofitting, home rebuilds and home relocations and a voluntary scheme to buy back properties in the highest flood risk zones.

For residents impacted by the 2022 floods, free in-home assessments will also be offered.

Feedback from the community information sessions will be used to finalise the guidelines for the Program.

The Resilient Homes Program is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and State Governments under the $100 million Central West Recovery and Resilience Package.

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