Century-year-old tree poisoned

Investigations are underway into the deliberate poisoning of a historic tree at the Horsham College Community Oval.

A peppercorn tree more than 100 years old is dying after holes were allegedly bored into its trunk and filled with poison late last year.

The tree will be cleared in the coming weeks, meaning that a piece of Horsham's history will be lost. The tree has for decades, provided shade to students at Horsham College and is a significant part of the school's history.

Horsham College and Horsham Rural City Council, which manages the oval, will pursue prosecution against any offenders who are caught.

"All the evidence points to a deliberate poisoning. This is a callous, selfish act that destroys natural habitat, degrades the area's appearance and deprives the community of trees that have stood where they are for decades," Mayor Robyn Gulline said.

"We're asking for anyone who might know anything about this vandalism to help us find the people responsible, either by contacting Council or police."

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