Cessnock City Council's Annual Tree Giveaway

Council worker with resident holding seedlings from previous tree giveaway event

Cessnock City Council's annual tree giveaway is on again. Eligible residents can receive up to six free trees for their property.

People living in the Cessnock Local Government Area who have built a new home during the 2021/22 financial year can chose from a range of plants, including ground covers like Star of Jasmine through to shrubs like Coastal Rosemary, bottlebrush and gardenia.

This program has been running for more than two decades and not only does it beautify Cessnock, it has positive environmental impacts as well.

Applications for the program open on Monday 21 February 2022 and close Friday 11 March 2022, with trees collected on Saturday 26 March 2022.

Anyone wanting to sign up for the scheme can do so on our Tree Giveaway page or drop in to Council's Customer Relations Centre on Vincent Street, Cessnock.

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