The United States is deeply concerned by the ad hoc commission report by Chad's Inclusive and Sovereign National Dialogue released on September 28, 2022. The commission recommended that members of the ruling Transitional Military Council (TMC) be able to run as candidates in future post-transitional elections. The commission also recommended an extension of the transition period for 24 months and an expansion of mandate of the transitional council. We note that these recommendations remain up for discussion in an open-ended debate. We intend to closely follow the debate. We have made our concerns known to the leadership of the Transitional Military Council, sharing our assessment that the commission's recommendations constitute a monopoly of power in the incumbent executive branch which - if adopted - would jeopardize the democratic transition that was promised to the people of Chad.
The United States reaffirms its support for the principles outlined in the May 2021 Communique of the African Union Peace and Security Council, reiterated on September 19, 2022, which calls for members of the Transitional Military Council to abide by their commitment not to participate in democratic elections while working to ensure a civilian-led, inclusive and consensual transitional process in Chad, with clear separation of the roles and functions between the Transitional Government and the TMC.
The United States urges an inclusive, peaceful, and timely transition to a democratic and civilian-led government. The United States supports the aspirations of the Chadian people to realize the first democratic transfer of power in the country's history.