Chair Appointed To Find Answers In McCrae Inquiry

VIC Premier

The Allan Labor Government is listening to McCrae residents impacted by the recent landslide, establishing a Board of Inquiry to get to the bottom of what happened and to identify measures to prevent similar incidences occurring in the future.

Minister for Local Government Nick Staikos today announced that the Government has appointed Renée Enbom KC to lead the Inquiry into the cause of the landslide that occurred in McCrae within the Mornington Peninsula Shire.

Ms Enbom is an eminent Senior Counsel who has appeared in several Inquiries in Victoria over the last decade, including the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants and the Yoorrook Justice Commission, as well as several recent Commonwealth Royal Commissions.

Once established, the Inquiry will develop a process for locals to engage with its work, with details on how people can submit their stories to be released in the coming weeks.

In January 2025, multiple homes were evacuated in McCrae and a council worker was hospitalised after a house slid down a hill and collided with other homes following the landslide.

The Board of Inquiry will investigate the cause of the landslide, what happened, and the adequacy of preventative measures taken to mitigate the risks following other landslides in McCrae.

The Inquiry will be required to deliver a final report to government by 18 June 2025.

The Inquiry's findings and recommendations will identify any measures to prevent or mitigate risk of similar events occurring in the future in McCrae.

As stated by Minister for Local Government Nick Staikos

"We know that residents in McCrae have been let down and too many questions remain unanswered, that's why we're establishing a Board of Inquiry to get to the bottom of what happened."

"This new independent Inquiry will ensure local residents' voices are heard and help us do everything we can to ensure it doesn't happen again."

As stated by Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh

"We have been meeting with residents and listening to their concerns as many remain without access to their homes."

"This inquiry will investigate how and why this happened, and what steps need to be taken to prevent future landslides."

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