Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach ends his three-year tenure today, 25 June 2021. Elected in 2017 by the Allied Chiefs of Defence, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, UK Royal Air Force, has led the Military Committee at a time when threats and challenges from both state and non-state actors have created an increasingly unstable global security environment.

As Chair, Sir Stuart Peach has overseen the adoption of the first NATO Military Strategy in over fifty years and the creation of two concepts - the Concept for Deterrence and Defence of the Euro Atlantic Area and NATO's Warfighting Capability Concept that will shape the continued evolution of NATO's military. He has supported and guided the implementation of NATO's Adapted Command Structure and ensured the work of the Military Committee has continued, unabated, by the Coronavirus pandemic, to name but a few achievements.
In his capacity as Chair of the NATO Defense College Advisory board, Air Chief Marshal Peach has stressed the importance of learning and building resilience. Education is a core requirement to command, lead, develop and support the Armed Forces in peace, crisis and war. Visiting NATO Commands, the Chair recognised the huge benefits of serving within the Alliance. By working, learning, training and deploying together, Allied personnel return to their nations professionally enriched and improved by their experiences.
As we are confronted by disinformation and propaganda, explaining the role of NATO and the military is crucial. As senior military advisor the NATO Secretary General and spokesperson for the Military Committee, Air Chief Marshal Peach visited a number of Allied and Partner countries, undertook many media engagements and outreach activities as well as led activities for NATO's 70th Anniversary at the Royal International Air Tattoo in 2019.
During his tenure, the Chair strongly supported the adaptive characteristic of the Alliance, welcoming the first female Chief of Defence to the Military Committee and the first female Military Representative. Before leaving his position, the Chair used the opportunity to remove any perceived barriers to the post and changed the title from Chairman to Chair.
Bidding farewell to the Military Committee, Sir Stuart thanked the Nations for their hard work, commitment and dedication during his tenure. He stated, "It has been a huge honour to serve NATO as the Chair of the Military Committee. The dedication and commitment of NATO Allies, underpinned by the tireless hard work of the International Military Staff is hugely impressive and I offer my deepest gratitude and thanks to all who have contributed to our Alliances' ongoing success. The threats we face, together as Allies are constantly evolving and my experience of the last three years has galvanised my belief in the essential role of NATO, we are and will remain stronger together".