Champagne Meets With Provincial, Territorial Finance Heads

Department of Finance Canada

Today in Montréal, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Finance, hosted a meeting with his provincial and territorial counterparts, to discuss the Canada-United States (U.S.) relationship and Canada's response to the U.S.'s unwarranted and unreasonable tariffs on Canadian goods. The ministers were joined by Kirsten Hillman, Ambassador of Canada to the U.S.

Canada is strongest when all orders of government work together. The Minister welcomed the active role of the premiers and their provincial and territorial governments in addressing the tariff issue. He committed to focusing on action and working with all jurisdictions to build a strong and prosperous Canada, the strongest economy in the G7.

Before closing the meeting, Minister Champagne provided an update on his recent discussions with G7 Finance Ministers, highlighting key topics covered, including global trade, competitiveness, and economic growth.

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