Mr Neil Bradley has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Liberia in succession to Mr David Belgrove OBE who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Bradley will take up his appointment in July 2020.
Full name: Neil Bradley
2017 to 2020 | FCO, Head of Human Rights Policy Unit, Multilateral Policy Directorate |
2015 to 2016 | Brussels, Head of UK-EU Funding Unit, UK Permanent Representation to the EU |
2011 to 2015 | Pretoria, Political Counsellor, Secondment to the European External Action Service, EU Delegation South Africa |
2008 to 2011 | Pretoria, Counsellor - Political |
2006 to 2008 | FCO, Deputy Head, Migration Group |
2000 to 2006 | Brussels, First Secretary, Justice and Home Affairs Section , UK Permanent Representation to the EU |
2000 | Full-time Language Training - French |
1998 to 2000 | Joint Home Office/Cabinet Office Unit, Head of the Voluntary Sector Relations and Infrastructure Section |
1993 - 1998 | Home Office, Fast Stream Entrant |
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