Mr Mark Matthews has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Chad, as we establish our new resident Embassy in N'Djamena. He will succeed the current, non-resident Ambassador, Mr Rowan Laxton. Mr Matthews will take up his appointment during Spring 2021.
Curriculum vitae
Full name: Mark Julian Matthews
Marital Status: Married
Children: One son, one daughter
Year | Role |
2017 to 2020 | FCO, Deputy Head of Joint FCO-DFID North Africa Unit |
2013 to 2017 | Ambassador and Deputy Head of Mission, UK Mission to the UN and Other International Organisations, Geneva |
2010 to 2013 | FCO, Deputy Head of Iran Department, Middle East and North Africa Directorate |
2007 to 2010 | Tripoli, Deputy Head of Mission and Her Majesty's Consul-General to Libya |
2003 to 2007 | The Hague, UK Alternate Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons |
2000 to 2003 | FCO, Spokesman for the Middle East and North Africa, Press Office |
1997 to 2000 | Abu Dhabi, Second Secretary, Chancery |
1996 to 1997 | Full-time Language Training (Arabic) |
1995 to 1996 | Department of Trade and Industry, Secondment to International Trade Policy Department |
1992 to 1994 | Brussels, UK Delegation to NATO, Third Secretary |
1990 to 1992 | FCO, Research and Analysis Department, Western European Department |
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