Ms Laure Beaufils has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines and Her Majesty's Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Palau in succession to Mr Daniel Pruce. Ms Beaufils will take up her appointment during August 2021.
Curriculum Vitae
Full name: Laure Beaufils
Married to: Neil Naughton
Children: Two
2019 to Present | Amman, Deputy Director, Middle East and North Africa (with oversight for Jordan, Iraq and Occupied Palestinian Territories) |
2017 to 2019 | Lagos, Head of Mission and Deputy High Commissioner to Nigeria |
2014 to 2017 | Department for International Development (DFID) Kigali, Head of DFID Rwanda and Burundi |
2013 to 2014 | DFID, Head of Overseas Territories Department |
2012 to 2013 | DFID, Lead Advisor, Strategy and Engagement, Prime Minister's team on the post-2015 Development Agenda |
2009 to 2012 | DFID, Head, Climate Change Adaptation and Forestry Team then Head, Forestry and Environment Team |
2008 to 2009 | DFID, Head, Climate and Environment Strategy Unit |
2008 | New York, First Secretary Development and Human Rights Team, UK Mission to United Nations |
2007 to 2008 | DFID, Private Secretary / Head of Parliamentary Under Secretary of State's Office and Deputy Head, Top Management Group |
2007 | DFID, Head, East and Central Africa Unit |
2004 to 2007 | Addis Ababa, DFID Education Advisor |
2003 to 2004 | DFID, Policy Analyst, Aid Effectiveness Team |
2002 to 2003 | DFID, Education Advisor |
2001 to 2002 | WOMANKIND Worldwide, Head, South Asia Programmes then Head, Advocacy |
1998 to 2000 | Phnom Penh, UNFPA Reproductive Health Programme Officer |
1997 to 1998 | Paris, Auditor, Arthur Andersen |
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