The Victorian Minister for Local Government has today announced changes to the electoral structure of Campaspe Shire ahead of the 2024 local government elections.
From the 2024 election, Campaspe Shire will change from the existing five ward structure (Echuca, Western, Rochester, Kyabram-Deakin and Waranga) to an unsubdivided structure with all nine elected members representing the whole municipality.
The electoral changes were based on feedback provided by constituents to an independent electoral structure review panel appointed by the Minister for Local Government Melissa Horne. Minister Horne said that the Electoral Representation Advisory Panels have delivered thorough work over an extensive period to ensure that Victorian councils will be set up to effectively represent their communities.
"These new ward boundaries will be in place for the local government elections this year – an important step in our work to reform local government and meet the expectations of communities right across Victoria." Minister Horne said.
Campaspe Shire council CEO Pauline Gordon said the panel had considered the shire's history of uncontested elections and low candidate numbers for single-councillor wards under the current structure.
"Their recommendation concluded that an unsubdivided structure would remove the risk of uncontested elections, provide a greater selection of candidates for voters and could also encourage a more diverse council," Ms Gordon said.
Of the three models identified in a preliminary report, the panel considers an unsubdivided structure to be the best model for promoting fair and equitable representation for voters in Campaspe Shire, and consequently facilitate good governance under the requirements of the Local Government Act 2020.
The changes follow the review of 39 local councils during 2023-24 by an independent electoral representation advisory panel where residents were invited to participate and provide feedback on whether they thought councils had an appropriate number of councillors and the structure of wards.
The local government elections are due to take place in October with nominations for candidates opening in the coming months.