Chaplain Empowers, Inspires Young Women at Carinity

Sonia Davies strives to empower young women to be their best every day.

She does this in her role as chaplain at Carinity Education Southside, a special assistance school in Brisbane for young women who have experienced challenges in life and faced barriers to education.

Sonia Davies supports students at Carinity Education Southside through her role as school chaplain
Sonia Davies, right, supports students at Carinity Education Southside through her role as school chaplain.

"In my role I advocate for the students by giving them a voice and teaching them how this can be appropriately done. Sometimes I am the one who speaks up for them, but it is exciting when they are able to do this for themselves," Sonia said.

"What drives me is that I believe wholeheartedly that each of us are created on purpose, for a purpose, and that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

"This propels me to speak and show our students, staff and others that they are valued, loved and chosen by God.

"If we find our identity in Him … it changes the decisions we make, how we see others and ourselves. I am blessed by being able to love and serve our little community, they inspire me every day."

Sonia believes empowerment and inspiration for young women "can come from seemingly insignificant things".

She says it could come from "praying for someone" or "providing a safe space to chat, cry and be honest".

Last year for International Women's Day, Sonia initiated the 'Southside's Unsung Hero' campaign at the school.

Sonia enjoys empowering and inspiring young women at Carinity Education Southside
Sonia enjoys empowering and inspiring young women at Carinity Education Southside.

"This was for both students and staff to vote for their unsung hero. This showed how as a collective we could use our voices for good and lift up others who may not normally be seen," she said.

Last year Sonia also instigated an in-house op-shop for the school's parent/carers day.

"This was a way to connect our community by fostering both giving and receiving, while meeting both practical and emotional needs of our students, families, carers and staff," she said.

So, what does International Women's Day men for Sonia?

"It is a day that we celebrate the uniqueness, strength and passion women have, and demonstrate the many facets of how this can look and be outworked."

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