Charges Filed Over Online Threats to Religious Site

A teenage boy has been charged in Western Australia following an alleged online threat to a religious centre at Edmondson Park, in Sydney's southwest.

Officers from Liverpool City Police Area Command commenced an investigation after reports an online threat had allegedly been made towards a religious centre at Edmondson Park on Monday (3 March 2025).

Following a referral, the Western Australia Police Force State Security Investigation Group arrested a 16-year-old boy just before 5.00pm (AWST) yesterday (Tuesday 4 March 2025).

The teen has been charged with creating false apprehension to the existence of threats or danger.

He was granted conditional bail to next appear before a children's court in WA on Friday 4 April 2025.

There is no ongoing threat to the community.

The NSW Police Force takes hate crimes seriously and encourages anyone who is the victim of a hate crime or witnesses a hate crime to report the matter to police through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or through Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.

It is important that the community and police continue to work together to make NSW a safer place for everyone.

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