ChatGPT and humanities forum is March 24

How will the OpenAI large-language model, ChatGPT, improve research productivity in the humanities?

An open forum on that topic will be held Friday, March 24, at 3:30 p.m. in the Guerlac Room of A.D. White House. Participants will include: Morten Christiansen, the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Psychology (College of Arts and Sciences); Laurent Dubreuil, professor of French, francophone and comparative literature (A&S); and doctoral candidates Pablo Contreras Kallens (psychology) and Jacob Matthews (Romance studies).

The panel will discuss how ChatGPT, a novel natural language processing technology, can be used to enhance research in the humanities, and the potential for ChatGPT to deepen understanding and open up new avenues for research and exploration.

The forum is co-sponsored by the Society for the Humanities, the Humanities Lab and the New Frontier Grants program.

Read the fully story on the College of Arts and Sciences website.

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