The Tasmanian Liberal Government is encouraging the community to protect their hearing and get regular hearing checks this Hearing Awareness Week 2025.
Minister for Health, Jacquie Petrusma, said that this week also provides an opportunity to celebrate the important services that Tasmanians are able to access to assist with hearing.
"Tasmanians of all ages are able to access Cochlear Implantation (CI) within the Tasmanian Health Service," Minister Petrusma said.
"Since it transitioned into a full service in 2018, it's estimated around 65 Tasmanians have received cochlear ear surgery through the Tasmania Cochlear Implant Program, which equates to around 9 – 10 implants per year.
"Providing this care eliminates the need for patients to travel interstate and allows them to receive more cost-effective treatment in Tasmania.
"CI, as well as specialist testing, care and treatment for hearing loss or damage can be lifechanging, and early identification and rehabilitation can drastically assist in someone's quality of life.
"I also thank all of our hearing healthcare providers for the great work they do in detection, early intervention, treatment, therapy and support, for the 1 in 6 Tasmanians with hearing loss.
"As a cochlear implant recipient, I know firsthand how life-changing a CI can be, as well as the importance of having a supportive hearing healthcare team to support my journey.
"I urge the community to protect their hearing from loud sounds, regularly have their hearing checked, use hearing devices if needed, and support others living with hearing loss.
"We're building an even better health system through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future."
Hearing Awareness Week runs until Friday.