Cheer for Aussies at 2025 ICF Slalom Worlds

Department of Health

Australia has unveiled their 10-person team that will compete in front of a home crowd at the 2025 ICF Slalom World Championships in Penrith.

The team includes Olympic gold medallists Jessica and Noemie Fox as well as Paris Olympians Tim Anderson and Tristan Carter. Find below a full list of the Australian team.

The championships provide a great opportunity for Australians to see their local sporting heroes compete on the world stage in our own backyard.

The team will be competing against more than 300 athletes from over 40 nations.

There are less than 200 days to go until the championships, which will take place from 29 September to 4 October at Penrith White Water Stadium.

Medals will be awarded on every day of competition, starting with the kayak cross individual time trials.

The Australian Government is proud to support the 2025 ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships. This event is a welcome addition to the green and gold decade of major international sporting events in Australia leading into Brisbane 2032.

Hosting international sporting events in Australia provide visible inspiration for the community to get involved in sport and physical activity. 

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