Leeton Shire Council would like to remind residents and visitors that it's important to note that the new crossing in Chelmsford Town Square is not a zebra crossing. Cars have right of way.
While designed to improve pedestrian access by being flat, pedestrians do not have the right of way. Pedestrians are advised to look left and right and check for cars before crossing the road.
A formal pedestrian crossing at this location was not feasible due to turning vehicle movements, which would increase conflict points and impact traffic flow, according to Manager Roads & Drainage, Chris Lashbrook.
"The new wombat crossing improves pedestrian visibility, reduces potential trip hazards, and slows down vehicle speeds at this busy intersection, making the area safer for everyone, however, cars still have the right of way," he said.
To improve pedestrian safety further, Council is investigating the installation of additional signage and road markings to remind pedestrians to always "Look Out Before You Step Out."