Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro will attend National Cabinet in Canberra to give voice to the Northern Territory's needs and aspirations at the highest level.
"I look forward to representing the Territory and meeting with my state and Territory colleagues and the Prime Minister," Mrs Finocchiaro said.
"This is a chance to re-set our relationship and the agenda at a national level. We are ready to work collaboratively with the Australian Government on economic development opportunities such as manufacturing at Middle Arm, gas, defence investment, and our major transport and freight corridors.
"To restore our Territory lifestyle and grow the population, our workforce and economy, we will keep pushing for changes to the zone tax offset and designated area migration agreement and more international students.
"Domestic and family violence will be a priority issue for discussion at National Cabinet. Under Territory Labor, domestic violence increased 81 percent which means what has been happening for the last eight years is not working.
"The Territory is disproportionately represented in the national DFV figures and more must be done. The new CLP Government has committed $180 million over five years, and to better protect victims through expanded electronic monitoring of offenders and additional resources for our police."
The Chief Minister said she would also use the opportunity to outline the high demand on police resources due to Territory Labor's crime crisis.