Child exploitation material chargesin Brisbane

Detectives from Brisbane Inner West Child Protection Unit and Taskforce Argos today arrested a man in relation to the alleged the possession of child exploitation material (CEM).

A search warrant was executed at an address in Chermside after police received advice the 41-year-old man, a high school teacher and sports coach, had been accessing CEM via a publicly available website overseas which provides end-to-end encrypted cloud storage.

During the search police seized a number of electronic items, including a laptop and phone alleged to contain further CEM.

Investigations are underway to determine the identity of the females depicted in the CEM and whether they may be linked to the man.

Detectives are appealing for any victims who may have had contact with the man, believed to be mostly from the North Brisbane and Ipswich areas, to come forward.

The Chermside man has been charged with three counts each of possessing child exploitation material and use carriage service to access child abuse material.

He has been refused bail and is due to appear in Brisbane Magistrates Court today.

The man has recently been stood down from his teaching position in the North Brisbane area.

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