The Direction takes into consideration the time spent outside of a hotspot immediately prior to entering the NT. The main change to the Directions is to the process for crew members entering the Territory to sign onto a vessel. A crew member who has been in a hotspot within 14 days prior to their entry into the Territory will need to quarantine.
Example: A crew member who leaves a COVID-19 hotspot on 1 September 2020 and enters the Territory at 23:00 (11 pm) on 4 September 2020 must, when not working, remain in quarantine until 12:00 (noon) on 15 September 2020.
There are no changes to international arrivals. Crew members who arrive international will need to undertake 14 days quarantine before joining the vessel.
Crew members who are currently in quarantine and who have completed the new quarantine period duration will be contacted by DoH and released from quarantine after noon today.
This will minimise the impact of quarantine on an individual and continues to safeguard community from COVID-19 spread. This decision is based on COVID-19 having a 14 day replication cycle, which is the virus' incubation period.
Most people who are infected will develop symptoms within 14 days of infection.