Chryslers Event Enforces Alcohol-Free Zones

Public submissions have overwhelmingly supported the introduction of temporary alcohol-free areas during this year's Chryslers on the Murray event.

Albury City Council voted in November last year to introduce an alcohol-prohibited area in Hovell Tree, Noreuil and Oddies Creek parks, and an alcohol-free zone for Wodonga Place and Townsend St and the connecting roadways between them.

The proposal was placed on public exhibition for 44 days following Council's resolution.

Thirteen of the 15 submissions received during public exhibition were supportive, with several citing a safer environment as their reason and others saying the event provided economic benefit to the region.

Council voted to adopt the proposal at its meeting on Monday.

The restrictions will be in place during the Chryslers on the Murray event, which this year takes place from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 March at Gateway Lakes.

The restrictions will allow police to tip out or otherwise confiscate alcohol being consumed within the designated areas.

The decision comes after NSW Police raised concerns about public safety risks from the night cruising and associated anti-social behaviour along Wodonga Place.

While the night cruising is not a sanctioned event activity, it draws interest from greater numbers of people each year.

Albury Mayor, Kevin Mack, said AlburyCity, Wodonga Council, Chryslers on the Murray organisers and police from both sides of the border have been investigating options to ensure public safety remains paramount.

"Chryslers on the Murray is the largest Chrysler car show in the southern hemisphere, and it's been held in Albury-Wodonga since 1992," he said.

"It brings thousands of attendees and over a million dollars in economic benefit to our community, so it's essential that we're proactive in continuing to welcome the event and ensuring it's done in a safe and family-friendly way."

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