Church Commissioner Appointed: 12 March 2025

UK Gov

The King has approved that Ms Suzanne Avery be re-appointed a Church Commissioner, to February 2027.

The King has approved that Ms Suzanne Avery be re-appointed a Church Commissioner, to February 2027.


Suzanne Avery was educated at the University of Nottingham and holds an honours degree in Industrial Economics.

Suzanne began her career in corporate banking and quickly specialised in real estate, taking senior roles at NatWest and then RBS. She was appointed as Head of Real Estate and Retail Group in RBS corporate banking division in 2004, then went on to be Managing Director of Real Estate Finance Group and in 2011 her responsibilities were expanded to include sustainability.

Suzanne now has a non-executive and advisory career including roles with LondonMetric Property Plc, Centrus and Real Estate Balance (an organisation aiming to improve diversity in the property industry, which she co-founded).

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