The Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Michelle Byrne has beamed into homes across The Hills Shire as part of a special Virtual Citizenship Ceremony on National Citizenship Day.
The online event was held on Friday, September 17, which is the 20th anniversary since it was first celebrated in 2001. The day is an opportunity to reflect on what it means to be an Australian and how lucky we are to be citizens of this great nation.
During the ceremony, Council swore in 101 residents from the comfort and safety of their own home as part of four virtual ceremonies.
Mayor Byrne, who was honoured to officiate over the proceedings, said it was an "absolute joy to welcome our newest Aussie citizens".
"Australian citizenship is a wonderful privilege and I'm so honoured that Council could continue to be apart of this momentous journey for our residents on National Citizenship Day," Mayor Byrne said.
"It was a pleasure to welcome residents from more than 24 countries, including Brazil, China, South Africa, Britain, New Zealand, Iran, Zimbabwe and many more.
"I congratulate our newest citizens and I wish them all the best on the next chapter in their lives," Mayor Byrne added.
Council will continue to hold more Citizenship Ceremonies in the coming weeks.
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