The City of Canada Bay has launched a new campaign targeting retailers and shoppers alike to prevent and report unattended shopping trolleys.
"We're taking a top-down approach to tackling dumped shopping trolleys," said City of Canada Bay Mayor Michael Megna.
The City of Canada Bay is one of the first Councils in Sydney to enact legislation compelling the majority of its major retailers to abide by a Trolley Management Plan.
"Unattended trolleys are not only an eyesore, but they present potential safety risks," said City of Canada Bay Mayor Michael Megna.
"Under the new plans, the majority of its major retailers will transition to trolleys equipped with wheel or coin-locking mechanisms and commit to collecting their unattended trolleys from the surrounding area multiple times a week."
"From our shopping precincts to major retailers and shoppers, we all have a role to play in keeping our area beautiful."
Together with the Trolley Management Plans, the City of Canada Bay will also be working with major retailers across the area to roll out posters, footpath stickers and trolley wraps encouraging the community to prevent and report trolley dumping.
The vibrant posters, trolley wraps and footpath stickers will be displayed around major shopping precincts as a visual reminder to the public that trolleys belong at the shops.
Fines of $660 may be issued to members of the public found guilty of dumping a trolley.
The City of Canada Bay encourages everyone in the community to return their shopping trolleys to the shop and report unattended shopping trolleys here.