At last night's Council meeting, the City of Perth adopted the LGBTQIA+ plan, dedicated to improving the experience and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community in the city.
The three-year plan will focus on the City of Perth's role as a service provider, partner and facilitator in increasing the visibility, social inclusion and health and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community.
The plan outlines actions in seven key areas:
- Safety
- Education
- Homelessness
- Healthcare
- Organisational Capability
- Welcoming and Accessible Services and
- Visibility.
Some of the actions in the plan include ensuring training is rolled out across the organisation, increasing the number of gender-neutral bathrooms, regular engagement with LGBTQIA+ stakeholders and a review of LGBTQIA+ inclusion among City of Perth services.
City of Perth CEO Michelle Reynolds said the LGBTQIA+ Plan was the starting point of the City's journey to support and advocate for the community.
"The City of Perth looks forward to celebrating the strength of our diverse community over the next three years and beyond. We're excited to start seeing actions being met within the LGBTQIA+ plan," she said.
"Thank you to the City of Perth's LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group – 15 members of the community who volunteered hours of their time to help us on this journey. Their dedication has been instrumental in the development of this plan. Thank you also to the internal working group for their commitment and allyship in bringing this document to life."
The City of Perth's LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group is the first of its kind in Western Australian local government and has been exponential in providing views and input into the development of the plan.