The City of Perth is seeking public feedback on a draft LGBTQIA+ plan dedicated to improving the experience and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community in the city.
The three-year draft plan, adopted by Council at Tuesday night's meeting, focuses on the City of Perth's role as a service provider, partner and facilitator in increasing the visibility, social inclusion and health and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community.
City of Perth CEO Michelle Reynolds said the draft LGBTQIA+ Plan was the starting point of the City's journey supporting and advocating for the community.
"Sharing the draft LGBTQIA+ plan and seeking feedback from the public is a significant milestone," Ms Reynolds said.
"Once the final plan is endorsed at Council in October, we look forward to continuing to share the progress made with, and for, the community over the next three years."
In March and April, the City of Perth took part in more than 500 consultations to better understand and improve the safety, visibility, social inclusion, health and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community in Perth.
"Through the development and consultation of this ambitious LGBTQIA+ plan, we have heard hundreds of voices and many stories," Ms Reynolds said.
"Thank you to those in the community and within the City of Perth who took the time to participate in the consultation. We have heard you, and the plan reflects your feedback and aspirations for Perth.
"Most importantly, thank you to the City of Perth's LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group – 15 members of the community who volunteered hours of their time to help us on this journey.
"Their dedication has been instrumental in the development of this plan. Thank you also to the internal working group for their commitment and allyship in bringing this document to life."
The City of Perth's LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group is the first of its kind in Western Australian local government and has been exponential in providing views and input into the development of the plan.
The draft LGBTQIA+ plan is published on Engage Perth