City Seeks Interest to Lease Abe Wood Reserve Land

Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are being invited for the opportunity for a community group to lease part of Abe Wood Reserve at 80 Edgerton Road, Lovely Banks.

With a land area of approximately two hectares and a Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) zoning, the space offers considerable potential for interested not-for-profit associations.

The successful respondent will be responsible for all required work on the site and compliance with any required planning and building permits.

The initial tenure will be three years, with two further options of three years each, and the fee structure will be determined based on the submissions received and the level of community use.

Greater Geelong Mayor Stretch Kontelj OAM

At the moment, this part of Abe Wood Reserve in Lovely Banks is a blank, open canvas.

With two hectares, it's a large area, and we're excited to see what the successful respondent will do with the site, which I'm sure will benefit the communities of Lovely Banks and beyond.

Councillor Eddy Kontelj

We're also seeking views from the community about the best uses for the site.

Even if you are not submitting an EOI, you can still make your views known by visiting the Have Your Say page before 8 April.

Expressions of Interest close 5:00pm on Tuesday 8 April 2025.

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