Civil Servants Offered National Security Training

UK Gov

The College for National Security launches a new online course to help break down barriers and help civil servants learn more about national security.

Civil servants can now learn more about national security, thanks to a new online course launched by the College for National Security .

The aim of the What is national security course is to break down barriers to understanding National Security threats and impacts and help civil servants integrate it into their jobs.

Threats to the UK

"To respond to a broad range of threats the UK faces, we need a workforce that is knowledgeable, skilled and connected when it comes to national security," said college head Andrew Millar, pictured, who is also deputy director of Government Skills , of which the college is a part.

"This course gives an introduction to national security and gives civil servants an overview of key national security themes. It's an ideal introduction for anyone who would like a better understanding of national security, are interested in a career in national security or who are new to the sector."

Better understanding

As part of its efforts to increase understanding of national security, the college has also published its 'Guide to the UK National Security Community' . The guide outlines the departments, agencies and devolved administrations involved in national security and was developed in collaboration with 23 departments and agencies. It aims to help colleagues better understand the UK's national security community and the breadth of departments involved.

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