Clan Lab Located In Camden Park

A man was arrested for drug offences after a clandestine laboratory was located at his Camden Park home yesterday afternoon.

Just after 3.30pm on Wednesday 19 March, police and MFS were called to a block of units on Anzac Highway after reports of a strong chemical smell coming from one of the units.

MFS crews attended and rendered the scene safe.

Serious and Organised Crime Branch detectives entered the home and located chemicals believed to be used in the manufacture of methamphetamine.

Detectives will spend today dismantling the clan lab.

A 36-year-old man from Camden Park was arrested and charged with manufacturing a controlled drug. He was refused bail and is expected to appear in the Adelaide Magistrates Court later today, Thursday 20 March.

Anyone with information on the sale, supply, manufacture or distribution of illicit drugs is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at or on 1800 333 000. You can remain anonymous.

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