Class of 2023 Records Perfect Result

NT Government

After years of schooling and thousands of hours of studying, 1361 students across the Northern Territory have earned their Certificate of Education.

ATAR results were released this morning, closing the final chapter on the Year 12 cohort's schooling story.

Darwin High School produced seven of the top ten students across the Territory, with Al-Hussain Mahmood Al-Ibrahim earning a perfect ATAR of 99.95.

111 students across the NT attained an ATAR 90.00 or above, putting them in the top 10 per cent of the country. This represents an increase of seven students who achieved a result of 90.00 or above from the previous year.

Overall four more students' earned their Certificate of Education in comparison to 2022, of which 212 are Aboriginal.

To highlight some of our remote schools, Gunbalanya had eleven graduates, Laynhapuy Homelands seven, and Maningrida six with another four students gaining community-led cultural learning credits towards their Certificate of Education completion.

Maddison Lea McCormick from Palmerston College was the NT's top performing Aboriginal student for 2023.

There was a total of 61 A+ Merits achieved by 44 students, representing exceptional achievement in a subject, placing those students in the top 2 per cent of the cohort which studied the subject.

In further good news, government school attainment rates have continued to increase over the last three years for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students, with an overall increase of 2.1 percentage points compared to last year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education, Eva Lawler:

"Today marks an important milestone in these young people's lives, earning your certificate of education and the ATAR you worked incredibly hard for is an accomplishment which will take you far in life.

"Congratulations to all 1361 students for completing your schooling journey. Today's results are a reflection of the hard work, dedication and focus of this year's students as well as the commitment and support of their families and friends.

"It is also a testament to the efforts of our quality teachers and support staff who have worked tirelessly to assist our Year 12 students to achieve the best results."

"Young people across the NT, are our greatest influence in shaping the future of education, employment, health and wellbeing going forward. You are our future Territory leaders.

Northern Territory Government

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