Clean Energy Skills Advance with New Centre of Excellence

Electrical Trades Union of Australia

The Electrical Trades Union strongly endorses the Albanese and Cook Labor Governments' joint investment of $70.5 million over five years to establish Australia's first Clean Energy Skills National Centre of Excellence in Western Australia.

"This investment in clean energy skills training is a crucial building block for our nation's transition to a net zero emissions future. Investments like this turn the page on more than a decade of neglect under the previous Coalition government," said ETU National Secretary Michael Wright. "The Centre of Excellence will play a pivotal role in equipping the next generation of electricians and other skilled workers with the expertise needed to build and maintain the clean energy future."

The Centre, operating across the WA TAFE network, will be a skills leader in clean energy science, engineering, construction, and operation. It will innovate training in clean energy technologies, including solar, wind, hydrogen, batteries, and grid integration, while fast-tracking the development of higher and degree-equivalent apprenticeship pathways.

Jobs and Skills Australia estimates that the nation needs an additional 32,000 electricians by 2030 and another 85,000 by 2050 to meet the growing demand.

"The Centre of Excellence is an important step in addressing this critical skills shortage and ensuring that we have the workforce ready to power Australia's clean energy transition," Wright said.

The ETU commends the collaborative approach taken by the Albanese and Cook Governments in partnering with industry, Jobs and Skills Councils, employers, and unions to build the clean energy skills base across Australia. The Centre's hub and spoke model will harness and develop the capability of training providers, expanding access to clean energy skills training opportunities in metropolitan Perth and regional areas.

"The Electrical Trades Union looks forward to working closely with government and industry to make this a success," Wright said.

"Together, we will build a skilled workforce that will drive Australia's transition to a clean energy future and secure our nation's economic prosperity for generations to come."

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