Clean Up Australia Day: Bayside 6 March

Bayside residents turned out in force on Clean Up Australia Day and helped collect approximately 187 kilograms of waste on Sunday 2 March 2025.

Bayside Council supports Clean Up Australia Day each year with Council staff offering roving support on the day, directing volunteer groups to areas that need attention and supplying additional waste bags and gloves if required. Council crews also collect and dispose of the waste collected on the day.

Bayside residents have embraced Clean Up Australia Day and have helped remove tonnes of waste from our foreshore areas, bushland and parks over the years

Cigarette butts, PET bottles and glass bottles typically make up the bulk of rubbish collected in Bayside on the day.

Mayor Edward McDougall said:

"I want to thank all Bayside residents for taking part in Clean Up Australia. It was wonderful to join families, schools and businesses who turned out to help clean up our beautiful foreshore and other natural areas," Mayor Edward McDougall said.

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