This Sunday 31 October, we're calling upon our residents to take a moment to contemplate the challenge that lies ahead of us, climate change.
Just like the COVID-19 pandemic, which to date has resulted in drastic changes to our way of life, global citizens need to focus and invest energy to sustainably address climate change.
Next week is the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (Cop26) which will see world leaders come together from 31 October to 12 November 2021 to discuss actions to minimise the impacts of climate change, including reaching global net zero emissions by 2050. It will take a monumental effort. But after seeing the resourcefulness and effort during the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that a climate-safe future that values and protects our environment is possible.
Council recently resolved to acknowledge that the 31st October be a day for the local community to reflect and focus on climate change. On Sunday, at the same time as the global conference begins, Council is encouraging all residents to take a moment to reflect on our shared future, the future of the world's environment and the future of our children, friends, family and community. For some people this could be in the form of reflection, discussion, silent contemplation or prayer.
For others it might mean planting a tree, participating in a community clean-up, speaking to friends about your thoughts on climate change, or even taking a moment to consider your impact and the changes you can make at home by composting food waste or using FOGO, reducing your reliance on soft plastics and brushing up on recycling.
"On a local level, we have a city-wide goal to reach targets of net zero emissions by 2050 for the City of Wollongong, and net zero emissions by 2030 for Wollongong City Council operations," Wollongong City Council General Manager, Greg Doyle said.
"Climate change will require lots of different solutions from people, communities and governments across the globe. We hope to see decisive outcomes at Glasgow COP26 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero before 2050.
"At the same time, we know that what we do here in Wollongong has an impact. Wollongong City Council is committed to addressing our own greenhouse gas emissions. Key industries, education providers, community leaders and residents have come to the table to work towards a cleaner and greener future.
"Council is proud to be part of this local effort to reimagine Wollongong as a city that is a proponent for new and exciting industries such as offshore wind, hydroelectricity and hydrogen.
"We've still got a long way to go, as change on this scale takes commitment, vigilance and time. Yet for many of our younger residents, this next stage for Wollongong's future is something they will see come to fruition in their lifetime. What we do today, will change tomorrow."
Want to get involved? Council is calling for feedback on our draft Climate Change Adaption Plan which looks at the ways we can prepare Wollongong for a climate-affected future.